InterAction Council Annual Plenary Meetings

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The InterAction Council was established in 1983 as an independent international organization to mobilise the experience, energy and international contacts of a group of statesmen who have held the highest office in their own countries. The Council was founded by the former Prime Minister of Japan (1976-1978) Takeo Fukuda, and is based on his long-held pacifist and egalitarian philosophy. He remained the Honorary Chairman and guiding force of the Council until his death in 1995.

Malcolm Fraser, the former Prime Minister of Australia (1975-1983), was Co-chairman of the InterAction Council 1998-2005 and Honorary Chairman 2006-2014. The Council recognized him as a powerful leader who aspired and persevered to contribute to a peaceful and just world. As his legacy, he organized and chaired the Interfaith Dialogue on "Ethics in Decision Making" in 2014.

Serving in their individual capacities, the Council aims at fostering international co-operation and action in three priority areas: Peace and security, world economic revitalisation, and universal ethical standards.

The records in this series comprise the complete set of papers for Interaction Council (IAC) plenary meetings from the IAC's inception in 1983 to its dissolution in 2014. These meetings were informal roundtable discussions between former world leaders and leading experts, providing an opportunity for members to deliberate on current issues and make recommendations on the possible way forward. This series also includes documents from meetings: A Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities (1997) and Interfaith Dialogue "Global Ethics in Decision Making".

The records have been compiled by Yasuo Fukuda, former Prime Minister of Japan and son of InterAction Council founder Takeo Fukuda. They contain an introduction authored by Yasuo Fukuda explaining the context of the IAC and the records.

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